Thursday, October 31, 2013

Web 2.0 tools for school

1. Masher

Masher is a fun cool way for students to create videos for class and other events. It allows you to use pictures or videos to put together to create your own video. It also allows you to use their simple studio to add audio and words to the video. I believe this is a good tool to use in the class room because it would be a simple way for students to create a video to do a presentation. This could also be used by students in a science class so they could record their experiments and then cut them up so that you get just the essential parts.

2. Photopeach

Photopeach is a cool way for students to create slideshow presentations for class. It allows students upload their on photos from their computer and create videos from these pictures. It also allows for students to customize how the slides move and even lets them add cool effects, backgrounds, and music. This would be a great tool to use in the class room because it helps students make power points that are well designed. This tool also allows for students to be creative when making power points because all to often power points are dull and lacking.


CollaborizeClassroom is a cool way for students to collaborate outside of the classroom on assignments. This is a way for students to work with others outside of the class room on group assignments. This is also a way for them to work on online assignments. This would be good in a classroom because now if you need them to work together then they can using webcams. and it is also a way for students to have online discussions and see how the other students give feedback.

4. Comic Master

Comic Master is a fun way for students to recreate historical moments in history. It allows for the students to be creative and design their own comics and graphic novels.  It would also help them create interesting presentations on how they did an experiment and other activities. It would be great for students in every type of class room because it lets them be creative. It also lets them be creative with historical moments like the battle of waterloo it lets the students bring it to life instead of just trying to imagine it.

5. Questionaut

Questionaut is a cool way for students to learn math, English, and science. It is good for students because its a quest based game where the student must answer questions about these subjects. the point of the game is to answer these questions and recover your friends hat. This would be a great way for students who are struggling in those subject areas. This would also be a way for teachers to keep their students interested in the subject matter.

6. Hot Potatoes

Hot Potatoes is a way for teachers to create their own quizzes. This is good in the classroom because it lets the teacher create a lot of different types of exercises not jus the same type of exercise. It makes it easier on the teacher because it lets the teacher be creative. It can also be used as a way for students to create their own worksheets. This is also a way for students to create study guides.

7. eQuizzer

eQuizzer is a way for teacher to make tests and quizzes for their students. eQuizzer lets you create custom quizzes that your students can take online. It also allows the teacher to manage and monitor their students scores. This is good in the classroom because more and more classrooms are becoming technology based. This gives the students a way for them to become familiar with web based learning.

8. SchoolWax TV

SchoolWax TV is a cool resource for students to use in the classroom and outside of the classroom. It is a database for teacher approved videos. The videos are there for when the student needs just a little bit more help on homework. This is a great tool because it lets the student get help from a reliable source. It could also be used as a teaching source for videos on the subject your teaching.

9. Placespotting

placeSpotting is a tool that allows you to use Google earth and find different places on the earth. you can look up different places like historical places. Then you can create a quiz based on what you saw while using placeSpotting. This is great for the classroom because it lets your students get a visual of what the sites look like. Then they can take a quiz about what they saw.

10. Exploratree

Exploratree is an online organizer and library of thinking guides. This is a neat website for students to go and do projects. Its also helps them create custom portfolios that they can customize and print out. This is good for the class room because it helps them create clean and neat projects. It also gives them ways to create study guides and pother ways to learn.

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